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César Vallejo Mejía


An analysis about the concepts of human development and competitiveness as well as the inseparable relationship between them as an organic loop are the initial issues in this article. To achieve competitiveness, human development is crucial and, reciprocally, to achieve human development, competitiveness is quintessential. Then, the current situation of development and competitiveness in the Colombian Coffee growing Zone is presented, followed by the topic concerning indicators and competitiveness as well as their
current trends. Finally, a series of hypotheses and leading questions is presented with the aim to propose the elaboration of a joint agenda dealing with the quality of life of the Coffee Growing Zone inhabitants and regional competitiveness.

How to Cite

Vallejo Mejía, C. (2017). Competitiveness and human development in the Colombian coffee growing zone. ÁNFORA, 14(22), 6–39.


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Article Details


Human development, Competitiveness, Colombian Coffee, Growing Zone, State, Economy, Education, Culture, Science, Technology, Innovation


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