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Miguel Antonio Espinosa Rico


This paper attempts to offer a reading on the proposals of the administration of state of Tolima for the period 2008-2011. These proposals are based on efforts done by previous administrations, particularly the ones directed by the Development Plan 1990-1991 and the Development Plan 2001-2003, all ofthem focused on population as irreplaceable subject of the planning practices for territorial development. The present local administration, who ' s slogan is "Solutions for the people", is debated every day between the pressures of the political traditional machinery and the frankness of the governor to claim commitments and social responsibility to all the actors of territorial life. This local administration has accepted the challenges raised by the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the fulfillment of its goals and indicators it faces which are the essence of its participation.

A proposal between the ideal contribution and the possible one is taking place in Tolima and beyond the end of the administration. An evaluation of this balance will have to be done in order to have a critical contribution to the world focus on overcoming poverty and rnarqlnalltv'.

How to Cite

Espinosa Rico, M. A. (2017). From the global palliatives to the territorial commitments in Tolima state. Development plan: "solutions for the people 2008-2011". ÁNFORA, 15(25), 99–141.


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Millenium Development Goals (MDG), Poverty, Sustainable development, Urbanization

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