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Miriam Álvaro Rodríguez


This paper analyzes the informal practices derived from the involvement of armed actors in the development and organization of Colombian political parties. This is a preliminary study that evidences the relationship between paramilitary groups and political leadership in Colombia. The research is mainly focused on the examination of how and when the involvement between these two organizations took place and how the connections were made between them. Paramilitary organizations created authentic, local paramilitary-influenced government, becoming part of the new regional elites. Violence and clientelism were the most commonly used strategies to expand their connections within the political leadership, the political parties, and the elections to the Senate and the House of Representatives.

How to Cite

Rodríguez, M. Álvaro. (2017). Parapolitics: paramilitary involvement in the colombian political parties. ÁNFORA, 15(24), 287–305.


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Political parties-Colombia, Paramilitary

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