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Héctor Alberto Botello Peñaloza


Objective: to identify the determinants of Internet access in Colombian homes during 2013.

Methodology: Socioeconomic characteristics were incorporated within a discrete choice model in order to estimate the probability of Internet access in Colombian households. It was based on microdata from the quality of life survey conducted by DANE (The National Administrative Department of Statistics).

Results: a marked increase in the use of Internet in Colombia was found: in 2007, 17% of Colombians had Internet access at home, and in 2013 the access increased to 35.66%. The income is the indicator with the highest impact on Internet access. The study also shows significant gender gaps, since men access more to this service then women. Similarly, there were large differences between locations and educational levels in relation to Internet access.

Conclusions: internet access and its service ownership have been increasing in Colombia and Latin America. However, this process has not happened uniformly for different population groups. The study also concludes that reducing inequalities in relation to access to ICT will continue, for long, depending on collective or public solutions.

How to Cite

Botello Peñaloza, H. A. (2016). Determinants of Internet access in Colombia. ÁNFORA, 21(37), 21–36.


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Digital gap, Dissemination of Internet, Interaction terms, Latin America.

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