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Hernando Llano Ángel Marcela Restrepo Hung


This paper attempts to show a comprehensive examination of the relationships between politics and narcotraffic in Cauca Valley State and how this political phenomenon derived from figureheads. Also, a reflection about the way this situation had appeared since 1990 and the way it articulated within the electoral behavior of voters in Cauca Valley State is presented.

This paper shows an analysis about figureheads and political paramilitarism and their close relationships with the Colombian Democratic Security Program and the political mutation of paramilitary groups. Finally, some relevant hypotheses about the political dynamics in Cauca Valley State, which are evidenced both in the current political crisis and the results of the last presidential elections are presented.

How to Cite

Llano Ángel, H., & Restrepo Hung, M. (2017). Politics and narcotraffic in Cauca Valley state: from testaferrrato to political paramilitarism. ÁNFORA, 15(24), 155–172.


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Narcotráfico-Valle del Cauca (Colombia), Mafia, Irregular Groups, Armed Conflict - Valle Del Cauca (Colombia), Political Corruption-Valle del Cauca (Colombia), Democratic Security


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