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Nacho Duque García


Cioran, philosopher, literati, author of provocative syllogisms, Romanian and Parisian, is one of the most interesting and individualistic thinkers of the prolific twentieth century. Today, as a new cultural horizon, post modernism, seems definitively established on a global level, it is worth revisiting his work and his reflections since, within them one finds a reaffirmation of some of the values that, in large part, the present lacks. Beyond a point of view, beyond our own time's ultimate perspective, salvaging of the present moment is dealt with by Cioran through filling every instant of a person's existence with life, suspended from his or her status as a subject and distanced from history's inviolable devices. There, Cioran finds a place for friendship, absolute recovery of liberty and the unpredictability of the individual, and for us, a new route to continue to delve into alternative possibilities in the face of the current state of things.

How to Cite

Duque García, N. (2017). As if it were necessary: An approach to Cioran. ÁNFORA, 14(23), 149–164.


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Article Details


Cioran, Philosophy, Postmodern, Subject, History, Instant

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