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Jahir Rodríguez Rodríguez


The construction of a pedagogical project of the Educating City upon the frame of globalization processes of democracy, constitutes a great challenge for citizen participation, and consequently, a dare to the education actions, understanding by an educating act as a political and ethical act that opens doors to knowledge and the construction of a new and active citizenship committed to the urban project in its own city.

The pedagogical act of learning-teaching process of the city constitutes an interdisciplinary process where the knowing of the knowledge object and the didactic principles that give direction the scientific, critical and reflexive appropriation of the city converge in their many complex processes such as historical, socio-economic, political, cultural, ethical among other aspects.

It is essential to feed participation along with the formation process of human beings. We need to feed it since the childhood. That participation must be learned and fed, otherwise it can get lost. Once it is lost, depression takes place and leads to a state where democratic participation is impossible.

However, the participation has another very important connotation for cities development which becomes in an irreplaceable technical instrument when dealing with method conceptions or forms of planning whose expressions are different kinds of plans that are available for city planning experts nowadays. Currently, a planning process lacking participation is considered hardly sustainable and unfeasible.

To sum up, the social existence of human beings can only be perpetuating through the continuous perfecting of their social conscience. Education plays a significant role in the previous idea because its efficiency is directly proportional to the achievement of reflexive subjects committed with their social and cultural surroundings. When transmitting the fundamental features of culture, all educative projects can also be called political acts.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (2017). The participation as an educating and a constructive act of the educating city. ÁNFORA, 14(23), 77–109.


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Education, Democracy, Participation, Action, Educating City, Emancipation, Pedagogy, Educate, Pedagogy in the City, School

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