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Marisol E. Monroy Vasquez


This paper presents the discussion of concepts and processes related to the development of peoples, which continue to keep alive our expectations. The authors recognize the need to face shared problems, but are aware of the fact that conditions are not similar to all human beings as a whole. Here, the disparity that is generated by the conception of a unique world is the point of departure for the theoretical reflection about the type of development promoted around the world. This paper aims at criticizing the model proposed as the Millennium Development Goals, based on the theoretical reflection about the impact of the construction of knowledge, predominant in its definition and reduction of reality. Even if it is true that the nature of demands is legitimate and necessary, we must consider alternatives because new dynamics have overcome our old schemes of explanation. The world is an entity where non-linear dynamics join together, which is far from being a system that can be reduced to the economics. These dynamics are susceptible to be explored not to find new truths but to start a dialog to help us approach reality, conceive changes and build a less uncertain context.

How to Cite

Monroy Vasquez, M. E. (2017). A Critical Approach to the Concept of Development in the United Nations: Millennium Development Goals. ÁNFORA, 15(25), 9–25.


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dynamics of knowledge, reality, criticism, development, Millennium development goals.

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