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Andrés Fernando Orozco Macías


Objective: to understand the message of the TV news in contrast to the emotional and value expressions in the social networks about the terrorist attacks in Paris, 2015. 

Methodology: a qualitative research that comprises a comparative and content analysis helping to understand, by contrast, expressive processes of the TV news compared to evaluative and emotional processes of social network users in regard to the terrorist attacks in Paris, 2015. Information from two Facebook pages was collected. The dramatic value of the TV news which covered the attacks in Paris was contrasted with the emotions and user ratings of networks with respect to the same event.

Results: they showed that TV news standardizes broadcast of the message and does not diversify its expressions, unlike the social networks which are loaded with diverse emotional expressions against an event. The contrast generated an understanding of other political perceptions of France in which it does not appear as a victim of the attack but as a cause.

Conclusions: it is concluded that social networks are changing how people participate politically. Television no longer imposes a comprehensive interpretation of events. Internet gives voice to informal political actors that open up new sources of interpretation and participation through value and emotional ways of politics.

How to Cite

Orozco Macías, A. F. (2016). Attacks in Paris, 2015: between TV drama and outrage of Internet social networks. ÁNFORA, 23(41), 157–178.


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Social Networks vs. TV news, Politics, Emotions

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