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John Fredy Zuluaga Duque


Objective: to identify the criteria of the common sense of Thomas Reid to present a new resignification and characterize the critical dispute as a methodological mechanism to transform the views of the common sense and the knowledge of the legitimate doxa. In addition, it seeks to stablish how the democratization of knowledge enables the appropriation of the legitimate doxa.

Methodology: the hermeneutical method was used as a conceptual selection tool, analysis and interpretation of categories and data.

Results: it was found that common sense is not understood as a collection of self - evident principles, but as a series of basic assumptions used to establish complex conjectures, from which individuals and communities think and transform the world. Not all the common-sense beliefs are credible; it is necessary to filter out the false beliefs through a methodological mechanism called critical dispute, which intersects two types of methodologies: the justificationists and fallibilists.

Conclusions: it is concluded that after the doxa has been legitimated, it is transferred to the society using a transfer system that involves to democratize, disclose, appropriate and popularize knowledge.

How to Cite

Zuluaga Duque, J. F. (2016). Doxa in a legitimate sense and social development. ÁNFORA, 23(41), 107–132.


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Common Sense, Doxa, Dispute, Democracy

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