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Denis Rincón Grajales


This paper shows an initial study about an interesting topic in Caldas and in Colombia at large: the justice congestion in the chamber for contentious administrative proceedings. This study, which began as an academic essay for a class, created enough curiosity within the research group and later turned into a research project. This was properly revised by external peers and finally gave rise to the idea of a beginner`s research club called SENDERA. The participants of SENDERA are law school students of the University of Manizales, who have participated in a series of conferences. Based on that participation, they have realized possible causes of the congestion in the chamber for contentious administrative proceedings in Caldas and possible violations of human rights from the late decisions of administrative court offices. This research project studied the movement of judicial processes submitted during 2005-2006 and the first semester of 2007 in the chamber for contentious administrative proceedings in Caldas and also studied the activity performed by public officials in the justice administration.

How to Cite

Rincón Grajales, D. (2016). Causes of the congestion in the administrative complaints jurisdiction of Caldas. ÁNFORA, 16(27), 161–181.


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Justice Congestion, Justice Decongestion, Chamber for Contentious Administrative Proceedings, Justice, Access to Justice, due Process, Constitutional Actions, Contentious Administrative Actions, Celerity Principle, Justice Administration.

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1. CONSEJO DE ESTADO. Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo, Sección Primera. Sentencia CE-SEC1-EXP1999-N5414- de marzo 18 de 1999. Consejero ponente: Doctor Gabriel Eduardo Mendoza Martelo. Expediente: 5414.

2. CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL. Sala Plena. Sentencia T-011/92 de mayo 22 de mil 1992. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Alejandro Martínez Caballero. Expediente: T-716.

3. CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL. Sala Plena. Sentencia C-591/93 de diciembre 14 de 1993. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz. Expediente: D-328.

4. CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL Sala Plena. Sentencia C-160/99 de marzo 17 de 1999. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Antonio Barrera Carbonell. Expediente: D-2155.

5. CORTE CONSTITUCIONALSala Plena. Sentencia C-114/99 de febrero 24 de 1999. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Fabio Morón Díaz. Expediente:

6. CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA. Sala Plena. Sentencia C-188/99 de marzo 24 de 1999. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez Galindo. Expediente: D-2191.

7. CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA Sala Plena. Sentencia T-063/01 de febrero 8 de 1999. Magistrado ponente: Dr. Vladimiro Naranjo Mesa. Expediente: T-181915.

8. CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA. Sala Plena. Sentencia C-836 de agosto 9 de 2001. Magistrado Ponente: Dr. Rodrigo Escobar Gil. Expediente: D-3374.

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