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Diego Hernán Benítez


This paper aims at analyzing the militant youth of the 60s and 70s in Argentina based on a case study. Considering the complexity of this phenomenon and its different approaches, which presupposes social, cultural and politics aspects, we will depart from basic issues present in a wide bibliography about this topic. We will see how beyond any political affiliation a series of topics of the epoch common to the youth at that time come into play. Those issues redefined its political practice changing old party structures.

How to Cite

Benítez, D. H. (2016). Politics, radicalization and youth. young people of the civic radical union (1966-1976). ÁNFORA, 17(29), 123–130.


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Youth, Politics, Left, parties.

Altamirano, Carlos. (2001). Peronismo y cultura de izquierda. Buenos Aires:Temas Grupo Editorial.

Giacobone, Carlos Alberto y Edit Rosalía Gallo, Radicalismo (2004). Un siglo al servicio de la patria. Buenos Aires, Editorial Dunken

Leuco, Alfredo; Díaz, José Antonio. (1987). Los herederos de Alfonsín. Buenos Aires: SudAméricana

Ollier, María Matilde, (2006) Golpe o revolución. La violencia legitimada, Argentina 1966-1973, Bs. As. UNTREF

Romero, Luis. (2001). Breve historia contemporánea de la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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