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Lorena Verzero


This paper is part of the doctoral thesis, “Thought and Action in Argentina in the ‘70s: The militant theater as the result of a socio-political process (University of Buenos Aires, 2009). The Latin Américan intellectuals’ growing conviction of the need to establish a new order of things fostered the creation of circulation spaces, dissemination and legitimation of revolutionary discourses and practices, both in artistic and political forms. In this paper, we analyze the performance of Latin Américan corridor of militant theater based on the reflection about two of the dilemmas inherent in its origin, development and extinction: the troubled construction of an identity common to the mainland, and the dialectics between “Latin Américan” and national characteristics.

How to Cite

Verzero, L. (2016). The Corridor of Militant Theater (1968-1974): Latin América, “Great Mainland” and National Characteristics1. ÁNFORA, 17(29), 15–28.


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Identity construction, Militant theater, National/Latin Américan dialectics.

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